What is the need of Regulators & Valves in Air Compressor? | Emergency Sales & Service

The compressor regulators & valves are typically found on the outgoing air line. Same air line runs from the tank, may run through some gauges or else other accessories, but then typically runs into and through the air regulator and then on to discharge coupling.

Regulators & Valves

The release coupling is the device on the airline from the compressor into which you plug the connector on your air hose. The compressor air regulator and valves is sometimes not visible.

Compressor’s regulators & Valves are designed to allow you to dial down the air pressure that goes to your air hose and your air tool. The general purpose or using regulators and valves is to lower the air pressure to the lowest regulator setting at which the air tool will run appropriately. This reduces air use, reduces energy cost, as well as reduces wear and tear on the air tool.

The regulators & valves are designed to lower the pressure setting that downstream hose and tool receives, and maintain that lower air pressure regardless of how high the air pressure stored in the compressor tank is.

Adjusting air pressure with the compressor regulator!

Most air compressor regulators have a knob for tuning. Some of them have a T Shaped handle, yet the typical DIY air compressor regulator has a knob.
Regulators & Valves

Characteristically, turning the regulator knob clockwise augments the downstream air compressor setting. Turn the regulator knob counter-clock wise lessens the pressure the air hose and air tool will receive.

If you have higher pressure in the hose than the new setting you have dialed in with your regulator, you may hear a hissing sound as the downstream pressure vents back through the regulator to reduce the downstream air pressure to fresh, lower setting.

If you are in search of great quality air compressor regulators and valves, consider buying from Emergency Sales and Service! Reliable products at an affordable price!


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