Difference between Hubbell pressure switches and Pressure Transducer

In this blog, we will discuss the difference between Hubbell pressure switches and Pressure Transducer. The common point is that both pressure transmitter and transducer are generally referred to pressure sensor; it generates and modifies and electrical signal in proportion to medium or measuring variables. When it comes to pressure transmitter, the output signal is a current loop such as 4-20mA or 0-20mA which can be transmitted over very long distances with the same current flow in all parts of the loop. Pressure transducer’s output signal has a voltage of 0-10Vdc, 0/1-5Vdc, 8-24Vdc/ac, 11-30Vdc/ac etc. Now let us look at the difference between Hubbell Pressure switch and pressure transducer! Hubbell pressure switch is more simplistic than pressure transducer whereas the pressure transducer is more advanced and sophisticated than pressure switch. The Hubbell pressure switches can make or break contact which moving into one of the two positions. On the other ...